Dear friends and family,
It's been a year and a half since I left the shores of Ireland to move back to California. God had called me back to get to know and marry Chelsea Hales who is now, Chelsea Muller :). (Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father!)
About 8 months ago, Chelsea and I began to pray and seek the Lord about returning to Ireland. We were married in May of this year and leaving for Waterford August 19th to serve with Calvary Chapel Waterford. As we prepare to leave, we ask for your prayers most of all, and anticipate what God is going to do through this venture.
I am currently in the process of confirming my Swiss citizenship (dual) in order to be able to legally work in Ireland (as a part of the E.U.) if the opportunity (or need) arises. This process however, could take a couple of years so we are not going forward depending on this, but that God will provide.
We often think of Ireland as an idyllic vacation destination, but any one who spends more than two months in the country will soon find a deep darkness that is shrouded by empty cultural religion. Irish Catholicism is unique in that it culturally divides the people. It has become more of a “political” question than a religion or belief. In short, the Irish people have a religion, a set of rules, a cultural identity in that religion, but are missing the most important part; the grace and salvation of Jesus Christ. We can't in good conscience, ignore the fact that millions of Irish people are dying believing they are saved, because they were baptized and confirmed into the church when they were twelve. For "How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” Romans 10:14-15

Things to Pray for -
Applying for a visa to work there part time and Swiss Citizenship would go smoothly.
As we wrap things up in California, the move etc. will all go well and easy.
God would provide for us our entire monthly support so that, as we serve we won't be a burden to the people.
That Chelsea and My marriage would be blessed and God would give us strength to love each other while we do ministry.
Provision for a good place for us to live and a good car for us to drive.
That Chelsea and I would have an easy time re-assimilating back into the culture.
That the Church and the School of Ministry would thrive; that more and more Irish believers would be discipled so they, in turn, go out and preach the gospel.
That we would continue to stay close to the Holy Spirit and always seek His guidance.