Portico Coffee |

It is now October and the sun has started to disappear, the chilly morning each new day hails the start of winter in Waterford, Ireland. Chelsea and I are so blessed to have a nice and warm apartment just out of town. Every morning when we wake up we are reminded of Gods provision and how our constant looking to Him enables us to enjoy life while serving Him. If I could pick one word to describe to you the last two months it would be busy. I apologize that we have been ever so busy and rarely find time to sit down and communicate with everyone back home. But being busy means that God is using us and that there is much to be done in Waterford so it is a great thing.
Passage East |
View from our place |
Sunday morning kids lining up for kids church |
Let me give you an idea of what life over here looks like for Chelsea and myself, we are very blessed to have a great little car that takes us into town every day. I call it the space ship but really its a Honda HRV that kinda just looks like a space ship. Its about 7 miles into the office from our house, we live in the tiny fishing village called Passage East and could not be more blessed with our little apartment. Most days I will be in the office either doing Worship related stuff or out and about working on the building or developing Portico Coffee, the churches coffee shop. Currently we are building outside seating and planters to make the over all experience more comfortable. The coffee shop has been a hub for the church in the city and since we have been here, three people have gotten saved through it. Most weeks I usually work a couple of shifts as a Barista serving coffee and loving the people in the city. Chelsea has been put in basically full time at the shop and you can find her nearly every day happily chatting to people while she makes them a latte or espresso. I really never thought I would see the day when my wife who hates coffee would make better coffee than I do, we really do serve a mysterious God.
Chelsea making coffee Photo in the local Paper |
Friday nights I am helping run Roots — our youth group, I really enjoy the chance to get to speak into these kids lives and people are getting saved even through our little group of about twelve. Its a pleasure to teach the word to teens I really see God working in there lives every time.
We want to thank all who have given financially to us this past month — it has truly blessed us and has blown our socks off. We are so very grateful to have so many generous friends and family, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
A quick financial update is on our blog under finances please check it out if you are curious to where our money is spent. Also on that note we are about half way to getting all the monthly support that is needed for us to survive over here. So if you had promised to support us monthly please let us know so we can budget a bit better.
As always we love you guys very much. All we can ask for is your continued prayer for us we really need it. God is so good but many times we just get tired. Here are a few things you can pray for.
Health for Chelsea as she has been sick for the past few days and for me so I don't get sick
That worship and everyone involved in it would run smoothly over the next transition
That we would be able to be a continual light in the city.
That God would continue to bring our heats closer to His.
That we would be fully supported in the next few months or so.
Much love Sebastian and Chelsea.