A lot has been happening here in Waterford, thus there hasn’t been a blog written in a month, our apologies. For the past couple weeks, we as a church, have been in the process of moving out of the hotel (where we rented space every Sunday to meet for church) into our own church building! Finally Calvary Waterford has a place to call home - a local pub, formally known as “The Toddle Inn" located in one of the rough areas of Waterford has now turned into a place of worship…talk about redemption! Despite its funky shape - that is the least of our worries - this building that is located on a main road, where people walk/drive by often, truly is a gift to be grateful for. With Sebastian heading up the whole project - these past couple weeks consisted of deep cleaning, scrubbing, (it was pub, you could only imagine what went on!) fire drill training, hoovering, moving tables and chairs in, sanding, mopping, more cleaning and scrubbing etc. you get the idea. Quite a task, but with many hands makes lighter work, very thankful for everyone who volunteered their time to make this place look great! There’s still a lot to be done such as stage building, sound system installation, painting, partition walls to be built, etc. That being said, we have had two Sunday services so far in our new “home”! With 100 people, including kids, it is really a remarkable feeling to come in that first time and it actually feel like church. A place that is open to anyone and everyone. God is so good and kind to bring us such joyous friends who have become like family since we moved here.
Rumor has it…..we miss you. So, America…more specifically California, headed your way March 19th. We’re stoked and can’t wait to come visit. Thank you to everyone who has continued to support us prayerfully and/or financially. We really can’t express it more, it truly has been felt. We were blessed by the recent sale of one of my families horses and that has helped enabled us to come visit next month. We would love to share at any churches who support us and meet up with anybody who would like to know more about what were doing over here!
Chelsea and Sebastian
Please keep praying for everything that was mentioned, we could all majorly use it!
The transition of the church/Pastors
The Worrells, as they transition back over to America
Building projects
That we would have a restful time in California
That God will be glorified through it all!