Monday, December 14, 2015

Christmas Season


       We were welcomed home with the very wet, rainy and windy wintry weather - days had past until we were greeted by the sun, and it hasn't made an often appearance since.  The city is yet again decorated for the Christmas season with their yearly winter festival, Winterval.  With colourful lights lining the streets, vendors down a few more, horse drawn carriages, a carousel set up outside, an ice skating rink down by the river, and a giant Christmas tree in town.  After a long haul beating jet lag, looks like were back on track now, thankfully. 
One of the vendors, our friend Rom keeping warm in a small cabin - best crêpes in town!

      I feel as if “blessed” is an over used word and loses its meaning at times, though in Psalm 45:2 it says He forever blesses us… so I guess we can say we've been blessed continually.  Looking back on this last visit to California, joyfully fills my heart not only because I was able to do all sorts of different things, i.e. celebrate one of my best friends with a bachelorette weekend AND be in her wedding, enjoyed being with family and friends, various parties, camping trips, and riding my horse;  we also got to share with people the remarkable work of God that is happening over here.

One of the handmade necklaces by my creative mother-in-law 

    By the time Sebastian had flown over, I had been in America already three weeks; keeping very busy.  Two days after he arrived, my family put their heads together and pulled off a big fundraiser for us.  There was bread baked, soup cooked, hats and signs painted, necklaces made, and quite a few vendors who donated their companies goods for a silent action.  We only had one job - put together a slide show and update everyone on everything - and If you know me at all, I’m not the one who would speak in front of people, so you're right to assume Sebastian did the “group updating”, despite his jet lag, he did pretty well!  The turn out was much more than any of us had ever thought it was going to be.  From all the hard work and help that was put into it, to the willingness of hearts to listen, to even the involvement of a load of questions during the slide show.. major, major blessing.  All the yearly bills, (and some that were unexpected) were payed off because of the generosity that was shown.  We are extremely thankful!!   (There are still more hats if you missed out on coming!)

Few of the hats that were painted by my amazing sister
     We also went to a couple of different churches, and shared at Sundays services, (of course, when I say ‘we’ I mean ‘he’) and got to speak with people afterwards about any questions they had.  We again, were very encouraged with the words and prayers that were said over us. 

A Day in the Dirt gate crew
          A DAY IN THE DIRT
    The last week of our trip was spent in San Bernardino working a huge yearly motocross race called Red Bull's A Day in the Dirt.  Sebastian has worked it quite a few times in the past, and we both worked it two years ago.  He did various jobs such as, telling people what to do and what not to do, anywhere from the RV parking spaces to chasing down guys setting off fireworks illegally in the night.  While I was only there the weekend, being a part of the gate crew, who exchanged wrist bands for money as people drove in.  This was a big part of why we stayed the long time we did - extra cash that payed for the whole trip back, praise God!  We plan on coming back for another week at A Day in the Dirt next year.

    About a week before I left, sign ups for the Christmas choir were going around, a yearly event that was done in the city as part of the Winterval, (as I mentioned earlier).  Naturally I didn't sign up because of my absence, and all the rehearsals I would miss, but behind my back, my husband took the liberty to sign me up anyway.  Therefore, two practices in, and next thing I know, I’m singin’ in the choir in the Theatre Royal with twenty-five others from our church!  Despite not knowing a couple of the songs, and having lost my music sheet out of my pocket on the walk over - because of our great conductor, we didn't sound half bad!  In the end, I was glad to be a part of something like that, it was actually kinda fun!  
Calvary Christmas Choir


    We officially have our Christmas tree decorated with one strand of lights and all five of our ornaments!  Got creative and took a few things off the shelf that would fit and sit on some branches as well to make it a bit more full.  Cozying up on the couch with a cup of hot chocolate by our little tree, with the wonderful smell of pine floating through the air and a fire crackling at our feet is a favorite pastime on dark winter rainy nights.    
    They say this winter will be a very wet one - while gone we kept hearing how awful the weather was and friends houses were flooded and the tides were quite large.  Hopefully the worst is over!  Be praying for this country as we are heading into this Christmas season, there are more people who commit suicide around this time of year than any other, due to depression and no hope.  It’s a sad reality the hopelessness people have, many of them we talk to or pass by on the rode could very well be on their way to make the most terrible mistake of their lives.  Pray for them as well as us to be able to live out Ephesians 5:16 “Making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil”.  To know how we ourselves easily fall into depression even when we do have salvation and hope in Christ, how much more the one who doesn’t have hope.  Especially during these cold dark months, relying on God is truly the only thing that leads us to joy. So please pray for us to always be pointing towards Him - the Author and Perfecter of our salvation - Hebrews 12:1-3.

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas!!

 The Müllers
Portico coffee, of course