Hey everybody, this is unfortunately not the kind of update we pictured writing, however an urgent matter has come up that needs telling.
I’ll just get straight into it -Dec 4th, (just two days after arriving back home) we received a letter in the post declaring that Sebastian’s visa to stay in the country had been denied and that we both “should make arrangements to leave the state”. We didn't want to believe it.. There is no reason except for what the law states.. and since 2011, they have gotten more strict about people residing here under the stamp 3 “religious volunteer visa”. You are allowed only three years as what they call “Lay Volunteers”, then on the fourth year, you must apply for an extension by post to Dublin.
However for whatever reason, our application didn't qualify for an extension of stay.
We met with immigration a week later, and found that there really isn’t any other option. Even after sending an email to ask for an extension of some sort, all we got back was a very terse response that we must leave. So we are sad to say we must abide by the laws rules and leave the country. They gave us a month to get things in order and to leave by January 11th, 2017. This information came as a complete shock, with confusion, anger and sadness.
Though now, since we were told face to face and not just with a letter, it is becoming more real that we have to move. After the shock of all of this, all we could do was pray and ask God for His direction.
As of right now, we don’t know exactly what we are going to do or where we are going, but since we are still set up with support, there may be options to stay in Europe and serve in other Churches and/or coffee shops. It’s hard knowing where the Lord wants you at times, but we know and have hope that God is leading us. After our initial shock we are starting to see Gods plan become more clear in all of this and hope to have better news in the next couple of weeks. We ask that you would pray for us in our future that God would continue to lead us and more importantly that the ministry here in Ireland would go forward with out a hitch.
Thank you all so much for being such faithful supporters of us and the ministry we’ve come to love. We will update you as soon as we know more. We know that in all of this we are in Gods plan, and we also know that if God wanted us to stay in Ireland he would have made a way for that to happen. He however did not, so that must mean that there is another door open for us to serve elsewhere. Pray for us as we seek His will and the next open door.
Monday, December 19, 2016
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Autumn is here!
Autumn is here! One of my favourite seasons when the leaves on the trees change to an incredible backdrop of Fall colours. Gently leaving the trees lining the roads with fallen leaves, there’s a change in the weather from cold/damp, to cold/mountain crisp air and icy wind that blows all the dead leaves up and about.
The Church continues to truck along and God is ever present in the body of Christ in Waterford. In September, the church recognized our assistant Pastor Danny Keating as one of the Elders of the Church. Its a beautiful thing because Danny was one of the first few original members of the church and also one of the first people to get saved through it.
God is always proving Himself faithful to our small prayer group out in Carrick. As of last month, we have been meeting together for a year. Hanging out, getting to know one another on a deeper level, building each other up and of course praying for the salvation of Carrick. Ever since we’ve been meeting, we have been praying for certain individuals that the Lord has specifically put on our hearts. One man in particular called Pat - Pat is a God fearing elderly man from Carrick; he has an infection in his skin that has taken his sight, and is eating its way up his forehead onto his head. He lives in a nursing home; and with little family, he gets few visitors. Geraldine (who is part of our group) tries to visit Pat every week she is able. One week just recently, we decided to bring community group to him. I can honestly say, stepping into that room and meeting Pat for the first time, after hearing so much about him, was more of a blessing to us than we realized. Laying there, eyes and head bandaged, with an outstretched hand ready to shake our hands as Geraldine introduced us one by one. (and by golly is he mentally sharp!) Sebastian had brought his guitar, our voices echoed down the hall as we sang our hearts out to the Lord. Then of course we asked him what type of music he likes, soon we were a choir singing Johnny Cash’s Ring of Fire. Despite everything happening to him, Pats spirits were high as he applauded with us after every song. We all look forward to the next time. It’s one of the most beautiful things to see - someone full of the peace and love of God while they are in such a broken state. It always reminds me that no matter what happens to us, God is our refuge and strength. Please keep Pat in your prayers!
Since the School of Ministry’s fall semester has started about a month ago, we have had five students from America attending it. Which means we have a bit of help in Portico a couple days a week from them as part of their community service during their time here. It is a great opportunity to get to know the people of the city and be immersed in a different culture. The schools heart is to not only teach the bible but to teach the students how to be able to reach out into a different area.
Sebastian is on his fourth year in Ireland and had to apply for a different kind of visa to be able to stay. Please pray that the Irish government grants this. Also keep praying that his Swiss Citizenship will be finalized so that he will no longer need to apply for a visa to live in Ireland. We are currently waiting on both of these to be finalized but our hope is that the Swiss one will come first because it is a more permanent fix to our immigration issues. I, on the other hand need to renew my passport for it expires before the year is out - which I will do when I’m in America. Pray this process goes quickly and smoothly!!
Regarding our drivers license - we both have now passed our theory test. (praise God!) So we officially have our provisional license and we are able to drive. We will be taking our behind the wheel drivers tests soon enough!
We are headed to California in just a couple weeks. It will be an extremely busy visit, including a load of church visits, wedding festivities, and a race. My cousin is getting married and I am thrilled to be one of her matrons of honor. Although it will be a very busy time it works out well because Sebastian helps run a motocross race every year called A Day in the Dirt. This is a week long event and about a hundred hours of work so its very tiring, but enables us to come back and update our supporters without financially burdening us. Our family also has lovingly forced us to participate in a fundraiser/update night for our work in Ireland. This is amazing and the amount of work they do to put it on always humbles us to no end. (If you would like to come, its on the 12th of November - more information is on facebook!)
Thank you to all who take a minute to read our updates.. who support us through prayer and financially.. we are grateful for you to be able to take part in whats going on over here. You are a huge help and we love you!!
The Müllers
The Church continues to truck along and God is ever present in the body of Christ in Waterford. In September, the church recognized our assistant Pastor Danny Keating as one of the Elders of the Church. Its a beautiful thing because Danny was one of the first few original members of the church and also one of the first people to get saved through it.
God is always proving Himself faithful to our small prayer group out in Carrick. As of last month, we have been meeting together for a year. Hanging out, getting to know one another on a deeper level, building each other up and of course praying for the salvation of Carrick. Ever since we’ve been meeting, we have been praying for certain individuals that the Lord has specifically put on our hearts. One man in particular called Pat - Pat is a God fearing elderly man from Carrick; he has an infection in his skin that has taken his sight, and is eating its way up his forehead onto his head. He lives in a nursing home; and with little family, he gets few visitors. Geraldine (who is part of our group) tries to visit Pat every week she is able. One week just recently, we decided to bring community group to him. I can honestly say, stepping into that room and meeting Pat for the first time, after hearing so much about him, was more of a blessing to us than we realized. Laying there, eyes and head bandaged, with an outstretched hand ready to shake our hands as Geraldine introduced us one by one. (and by golly is he mentally sharp!) Sebastian had brought his guitar, our voices echoed down the hall as we sang our hearts out to the Lord. Then of course we asked him what type of music he likes, soon we were a choir singing Johnny Cash’s Ring of Fire. Despite everything happening to him, Pats spirits were high as he applauded with us after every song. We all look forward to the next time. It’s one of the most beautiful things to see - someone full of the peace and love of God while they are in such a broken state. It always reminds me that no matter what happens to us, God is our refuge and strength. Please keep Pat in your prayers!
Since the School of Ministry’s fall semester has started about a month ago, we have had five students from America attending it. Which means we have a bit of help in Portico a couple days a week from them as part of their community service during their time here. It is a great opportunity to get to know the people of the city and be immersed in a different culture. The schools heart is to not only teach the bible but to teach the students how to be able to reach out into a different area.
Sebastian is on his fourth year in Ireland and had to apply for a different kind of visa to be able to stay. Please pray that the Irish government grants this. Also keep praying that his Swiss Citizenship will be finalized so that he will no longer need to apply for a visa to live in Ireland. We are currently waiting on both of these to be finalized but our hope is that the Swiss one will come first because it is a more permanent fix to our immigration issues. I, on the other hand need to renew my passport for it expires before the year is out - which I will do when I’m in America. Pray this process goes quickly and smoothly!!
Regarding our drivers license - we both have now passed our theory test. (praise God!) So we officially have our provisional license and we are able to drive. We will be taking our behind the wheel drivers tests soon enough!
We are headed to California in just a couple weeks. It will be an extremely busy visit, including a load of church visits, wedding festivities, and a race. My cousin is getting married and I am thrilled to be one of her matrons of honor. Although it will be a very busy time it works out well because Sebastian helps run a motocross race every year called A Day in the Dirt. This is a week long event and about a hundred hours of work so its very tiring, but enables us to come back and update our supporters without financially burdening us. Our family also has lovingly forced us to participate in a fundraiser/update night for our work in Ireland. This is amazing and the amount of work they do to put it on always humbles us to no end. (If you would like to come, its on the 12th of November - more information is on facebook!)
Thank you to all who take a minute to read our updates.. who support us through prayer and financially.. we are grateful for you to be able to take part in whats going on over here. You are a huge help and we love you!!
The Müllers
Thursday, August 11, 2016
It's August
Hello again from across the pond!
Just a quick update on the recent happenings.. I mentioned in our last update asking for prayer for the kids camp our church put on with the help of a team who came out from a Calvary Chapel in North Carolina. It went very well, with 30-40 kids each day, who played games, sang songs, heard Bibles stories, made crafts, and most importantly heard the gospel. Thank you for the prayers, the Lord blessed it!
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Singing and dancing at Kids Camp |
All other ministry that we do is going forward smoothly, nothing big to report - just that we are trying to be continually faithful with what He has called us to do. Please keep praying for us and Ireland we really need it and are so thankful for those of you who already pray for us.
On a more Urgent note.
After living here for two years, (three and half years for Sebastian) we have been covered with car insurance through a broker in an American Insurance company, who offers international coverage. Although now because Ireland is cracking down on its driving insurance laws, the company was forced to discontinue car insurance in Ireland. To make a long and not so easy story short, after talking to every insurance company in the country, we laid out all our options, and we found our only option is to get our Irish drivers license to be able to get car insurance. In order to go about this, we have to start at ground zero, as if we are sixteen again - study for the written test for our permit, take twelve behind the wheel lessons (each), etc. Since we've both been driving for at least ten years, it’s hard to think of doing this all over again. Prayers for the finances to be able to go forward with this are appreciated! At €30 a lesson this adds up quite quickly. The main reason we did not switch to an Irish license before was because of the price of insurance. Our premiums for basic liability will be going from $530 to €1500 per year. Living outside of town is not easy when your car-less.. Thankfully we have friends who let us borrow bicycles, who give us lifts and a bus that only runs twice a day! Please pray this all gets sorted easily and smoothly! Here is a break down of our costs for the year that are due this month.
Insurance €1500
Car registration €711
Complete costs for drivers license €900
If we could get away without having a car we would, but its really an imperative for us. We use it every day for ministry and its hard to carry a tool bag on a bike. If you feel called to give to this need please do, otherwise please pray that we can get this sorted soon. We know and trust that God will provide a way in all of this!
Also, a little side note - we will be in America for a very short two weeks in the beginning of September. We are being flown out by our friends to attend their wedding. So blessed to be able to celebrate with such good friends! Sebastian will be looking dapper as he is one of the groomsmen. We won’t have much time while we are there, as our schedule is pretty tight, but we’ll be back soon enough to catch up with more of you!
Always thankful to you for your encouragement, prayers and financial giving. We treasure you all!
Friday, July 8, 2016
An update in July
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Passage East Goats |
The change from Spring into Summer has been in motion the last couple of months. Where the leaves are filling in the trees and wild berries start lining the roads and hedges. We’ve had a good few weeks of solid sunshine which calls for a lot of outdoor activity. The other week, we both had an afternoon and the next morning off; so we booked it out to West Cork, three and a half hours away to find ourselves in a tiny town called Castletownbere. That part of the country is one of the most beautiful, as if you were driving through the set of Lord of the Rings; the closest thing to mountains we have found yet.
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Sebastian leading our weekly Wednesday night worship and prayer night |
Church on Sundays are still a good gathering of between 70-100 adults and 10-30 children, it fluctuates each week. Many times we’ll have visitors from all over who are here on holiday and want a church to go to while they are visiting; thank goodness for google! Its always a good sight to see new families coming in and finding out what were all about. We are currently going through the book of John, {you are welcome to hear any of the sermons on line at calvarywaterford.com.}.
Last April Sebastian surprised me with a trip to Switzerland for a short, five day holiday to celebrate my birthday and our second anniversary. He booked everything in advance and didn’t tell me until two weeks before we were supposed to leave. I was easily shocked and couldn’t bring myself to believe it until we were actually on the plane. Switzerland has been on my top list of places to go since I’ve met and gotten to know the Müller clan, because of how much history they themselves have there. We got to stay with long time friends of theirs, meet family, and we're shown around the real Swiss way. It’s safe to say it was one of my favourite countries I’ve visited thus far.
Couple weeks ago we had a team from Calvary Chapel South Bay in Los Angles come over and help out at the church. Taught our Sunday school, face painted, made balloon animals, and cooked us a big bbq lunch out in the back, and afterwards, cleaned up till the place was spotless. Though it was for a short time, it was great to have them serve in our community.
The small prayer group we are leading in Carrick-on-Suir is still going great. There are not many of us but it has been a really wonderful time of prayer and fellowship. We know that God is moving and he has really started to bind the few believers there together in a beautiful way. Please pray that it grows healthily and that people with a heart for the town would come and pray with us.
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Community at the cabin |
Ah yes… the little hole in the wall which we like to call Portico Coffee, established in October of the year two thousand thirteen, serving customers from all over the world ever since. I’m happy to say we are still serving great coffee and Gods love, check us out online at our website; porticocoffee.com, on Facebook or follow us on Instagram at porticocoffeewaterford. This tiny shop is where I am most days, taking orders, making coffee, and restocking the merchandise. The people I get to work with are pretty great, though we are few, we get the job done. I don’t mention the folks we work with enough.. I feel like God has brought all the right people in His right timing in and out, through this shop and the church. We’re thankful for each one of them.
Though we are still very low on staff in Portico, within the last two months, we have had two people step up and start training and working shifts. What a difference it makes with more people to take even one shift a week. Often times working at Portico just seems like another job but every day the good news is shared with people and we know that lives are being changed to the glory of God.
Thank you again for all the prayers, love, and financial gifts you have sent our way. Without the provision God provides through our Church family around the world, we wouldn't be serving here.
~ Kids camp this week coming - pray for salvation for the neighborhood kids who will be attending, and for all the volunteers, that it will go smoothly.
~ Continual Provision - our visa renewals are due in October, along with our insurance and car registration. {All of these add up very quickly!}
Praying and thanking God for each one of you!
The Müllers
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Latest News
The “Sunny South East” is what Waterford is known as; because it hardly ever snows in this region of the country. Although it does bring the occasional mixture of flurries, sleet, and hail, along with all the rain, during the winter months. The recent signs of knowing Spring is on it’s way are the pretty yellow daffodils springing up all around; and the cows and sheep out in the pastures once again. Because we live in the country side, these are especially noticeable. Also the days get longer, sunrise is earlier and the sunsets are later. Winter is slowly dying away and Spring time is getting closer, thank God!
The All Ireland Conference took place at the end of January in a city called Athlone, two and half hours north. It was held in a hotel very close to its city center. A weekend where Calvary Churches from all over Ireland come and spend time together in the word, eat good food, and listen to different speakers from all over. On the last day, our three pastors along with many others from around the world, left for a five day pastors conference in Austria. A conference that is designed to encourage and build each other up in leadership.
Spring semester two thousand sixteen at Calvary School of Ministry has officially began, (a month ago! I know, a bit late) we have four wonderful students this term; three from America and one from Canada. It’s real cool that the word of the school is reaching students from all over! (Thank God for google! ;) ) It’s always pretty fun to have the students here every semester, they help out at the Church and in Portico and are able to get familiar with the culture and the people in the city. If your looking for a good Bible College, out of my biased opinion, I recommend this campus! Spread the word!
Our annual once a month "Church Family Feast" |
January through March are the slowest months for business at Portico. After the Christmas season and New Years, most people have over spent and also tend to make “new years resolutions” to not drink so much coffee, and of course the horrible weather has a lot to do with it. Yet despite the snail pace of customers, by Gods grace we are still a float! (although there was so much rain this winter it seemed we were going to float away). Portico is still doing its job making enough income to keep itself up and running, helping financially with the church, and with Tyrone and his family (who are supported missionaries like ourselves).
Because of recent changes in some of the staffs lives, ie. moving back home, internships being over, marriage, etc. we have been short baristas in Portico. There are very few of us who are working these days - I’ll just say we have come very well acquainted with Portico now more than ever. That being said, we are in need of people to come and do internships with us for an substantial amount of time (our last intern stayed with us six months). I won’t say we are only looking for “trained” baristas, (for I was most definitely not trained whatsoever) but of course it would be helpful. We are looking for people who have a heart to serve Jesus and who get along with others. It would also involve helping in church, hospitality and kids ministry. We ask you to please spread the word, and if you know anyone who has Ireland on their heart and would be interested you can inquire for details, (i.e. finances, room, board, etc.) We will hopefully be posting a link where you can apply for an internship in a few different areas (Pastoral, Missions, Worship, Service) but in the mean time please contact us with any inquiries.
All this being said we are still here serving every day. Its not anything glamorous or fancy and sometimes things just don't happen that are notable but we are where God wants us for right now. We are still praying every week in Carrick-On-Suir and still seeking the Lord for what His heart is, in that town. If you would like to pray with us please do, five pm every Thursday night.
We love you all and miss each and every one of you.
With thankful hearts,
The Müllers
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