Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I will be working In Ireland on a long term basis.

Our Church at the Ireland Conference

Dear Friends,
 I have recorded a more detailed video update, but it is a bit long so if you don't have time to watch it, the following is a brief synopsis. It’s been about a month and a half since my last update and a good few things have happened. We are still seeing more people coming to church and for the first time the church is supporting itself! By “self-supporting”, I mean, “paying for rent/bills and toilet paper”. We as church staff are not receiving anything from the church.) What a blessing to have the church becoming financially independent!  We thank God!
The city is still in the depths of darkness and we continually see people wrecking their lives on heroin/alcohol. You begin to realize how dead a place is and how bright a light we are when you find a “heroin house” a few doors down and a couple of prostitutes living in an apartment above the church. Please pray that Waterford’s  “open market” for heroin is shut down.  There are rival gangs moving into town, each striving for dominance of this “open market”. There is a potential for Waterford to explode in a much more intense version of violence.
     We are starting a Friday night “Coffee Shop-Concert” to provide a positive, alternative “hang out” besides the pubs. We are praying that this will bring more non-Christians in contact with the “strange cultish Christians”.  (This is no joke! The Waterford Irish think if you’re not Catholic, you’re a cult member.)
      I don’t know if many of you are aware, but I am here permanently.  How long I don’t know-- could be a year could be ten!  In light of that, would you please pray for financial provision for me?  I have also lost my wallet---yes, Driver’s License, cards, etc.  Please pray that I will find it!
 I love you all--- there is a list of prayerful concerns on my last update.  Your prayers make a difference!

Making coffee at Calvary Cafe

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Ireland For the long Haul.

  Hello Everyone!
 My update this month is a bit late and I apologize for that-- my excuse is that I was working with three different teams, two of which came from the states and one from Northern Ireland. So it’s been a very busy summer, we have seen a lot happen in the spiritual realm here in Ireland.  All the teams were a wonderful encouragement to us and we saw the word of God spread over Ireland and lives changed.
Leading the teams around Waterford we did Activities like VBS’s and street ministry and litter picking. One of my favorites of these was the litter picking, It’s a funny thing when you walk though a neighborhood that has been forgotten by the City Council and pick up litter how your numbers double. By the time we walked half way though the neighborhood we had a team of small Irish kids wanting to help us and wondering why we were picking up trash. It’s a beautiful way to show Gods love and we had the chance to tell about 15 different kids about who Jesus was. One little boy about 6 years old, the first to join us, even ran inside and got his own gloves to help.
As you know, I was only supposed to be in Ireland until July and then my time was extended to September, and now I strongly feel that God has called me here on a long-term basis. How “long-term” that is I have no idea, I am just trusting in the Lord day by day. By God’s grace, He has continued to open doors for me to be able to stay here inexpensively. I had my own plans for the future, however, God showed me that His work here is much more important than my future “career” that I was planning on going back to University for. Let me just say though, that God really does supply all my needs, He is such a good God and it’s a true privilege to have the opportunity to serve him here.
            Now, just to update you on the future vision of the church and our mission over here… It’s been such a busy summer and every day for the past two months we have been doing team ministry, yet God seems to want to keep us going full on. For quite some time, it has been the vision of Pastor Clay and all the Calvary Pastors in Ireland to start a Bible college here in Waterford. Over the past few months God has been lining up a team of men to lead the college and we are already starting the fund raising and groundwork for the college. We are looking into potential facilities that we could be leasing as early as the summer of next year. The beautiful thing about all of this is we are seeing God’s hand in many ways already in bringing the team together and even securing the prospective building.  It’s amazing to be a part of Gods work here. He “blows my mind” on a daily basis as I see Him move!  I hope I never get used to this.
"good clean fun" our Friday night Fellowship. For the first time there is Fellowship for Christians in the city, 4 Churches are represented in this picture

Teaching Thursday night bible study. Denver team
            One thing that has been very stressful on me while over here is working with the local addicts. Ministering to them is an up and down emotional rollercoaster when you are daily trying to encourage them and keep them away from the drink and drugs.  I have been trying to surrender these people to the Lord in my heart, but tend to take on a lot of the stress, so if you could all pray for me that I would learn how to give these things up to Christ I would be grateful. On a lighter note, one of the men that I have been working with was clean for a month, went back on the drink and drugs for a week and is now is clean again. Please pray that he will keep it up and will have the wisdom and diligence to make the call and get into a rehab, preferably Teen Challenge. There is a lot more to his story that I will keep private for his sake.  Please just keep praying for strength and peace for him.
Some of the Girls from the Arizona Team with one of our Irish Guess what one is Irish.
            Since I will be staying in Ireland long term I will need some long-term support. It’s always uncomfortable asking people for support and it’s not my favorite thing to do. But since God did not choose to bless me with a bottomless bank account I must ask you, the kind people back home, to support me over here in the work that God has called me to. So if you would like to support me or feel that God is leading you to, that would be a HUGE blessing. I have outlined my basic needs in a spreadsheet so you can get an idea what my needs are while I am over here. I am excited to see what God is going to do in supporting me because He has already met so many of my needs for me to stay here long term. One of my prayers was that if I stayed I could live out side of the city. God just so happened to provide a place for half the cost of my last place that is about 4 times the size and about ten minutes outside of the city. God also set me up to work in a farmer’s market twice a week that should pay for my rent.  He also provided through the Worrells, a car that I can drive so I am not longer stuck and can get around. After I made the decision to stay God really opened up so many doors for me to be able to stay here and I am so thankful for what He has done so far.
            I hope you are all well back home and I hope one of these days you can come and visit over here or I can, if the Lord wills, make it back home for a visit. Also, once again, thank you for all your support and prayer in the past. Please keep praying for me I need it! I love all of you so much and pray that God is blessing you and keeping you well.


Waterford Tall Ships Festival. We did a huge ministry during the festival and thousands heard the Gospel
The Arizona Team finishing painting the Church ceiling
Arizona Team and Calvary Waterford with couch surfers.
Expenses monthly Current support
Monthly USD 250
House 200
Car 50
Utilities 75
food 200
Living Expenses 50
Phone 30
Sub Total Euro. 605 USD. 860
school Loans in US 600
Sub Total Euro. 425 USD. 600
Total Euro. 1,030 USD. 1,460

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

God is Working In Ireland!!!

God is moving in Ireland, he is planning on taking back this country for him self. He desires that all come to know him. For far to long this country has been under the bondage of religion and through God we are breaking those chains. The people are ready to hear his word and to know the truth about the gospel. It is a beautiful thing to be a part of and every day we see how God is continually moving among us and changing us.
            Every week we see new people coming and joining the church last week we had a spur of the moment baptism and we all went out to Tramore the “beach city” and baptized in the freezing ocean. The whole church came out and joined us on the beach in the cold and rain it was a beautiful sight to see.
            A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to go and spend the whole week down near cork helping to build another church. I was so blessed also to see how God is working all over Ireland and readying his servants for what we would hope would be revival. Even though I was working it felt like a vacation because I was so blessed by the people of that church. It’s a beautiful thing to see a new church building come together and believers serving in unity. 
            About a month ago I was walking though the city center back to my house and had the opportunity to talk to two brothers Anthony (aka three dog) and James. Sitting in a corner of an abandoned shop front drinking themselves literally to death. I found out later that James has cirrhosis of the liver and only has about a month to live. I had the chance to talk to them about Jesus and explain His gift to us; I left feeling a burden for them on my heart and have been praying for them since. A few weeks later I was passing by Anthony as he was drinking in the park and after a long talk he began to explain his need for forgiveness and asked me to pray for him. Tears streaming down his face he asked God to forgive him his sin, this is amazing for a ex con/ Heroin addict/ alcoholic, however he is still caught up in his sin and needs so much prayer so please pray for his continued salvation. Also pray for his brother who just last night collapsed and was sent to the hospital. Please pray for all the addicts and alcoholics who drink around the corner from the church in a place called “Ballybricken”. Its amazing to see how God placed our church so that literally we have alcoholics and drug dealers drinking and dealing across the street. Pray for the huge problem of addiction in this city including gambling, drinking, and drugs.
The city I am working in Waterford needs Gods love so much, even non-believers that I have talked to say it needs to be “washed clean.” There is a noticeable heaviness over this city and it is we believe a strong hold in Ireland for Satan.  A few churches around the city have started to get together and pray for outreach that we will be doing in the coming months, and it is beautiful to see the unity that God is creating among us. The heart of Waterford believers is to see this city washed in the blood of Jesus.  There are around 800 believers in this city of 50,000  a very small light in a dark dark city. We however see God continually making that light grow and we believe that he wants to save more every day. So we as a church and as a city we are praying for lasting revival here in Waterford.
In the coming months we will be very busy with out reach to the city and we have two teams coming from the states. We are very excited to see what God is going to do this summer, so please pray that outreach will be successful and that Satan would be helpless in this city.
Since Cj Kelly the worship leader coming to replace me is not going to be here until September I need to stay a few months longer. The only problem is that I am running very low on money and need more support. So if you feel that the Lord wants you to give to help me continue work over here that would be such a blessing.
            fellowship in the park! GCF good clean fun

Thank you all for your support in the past I am so happy that God has used you in such a beautiful way. I can say 100% that God has changed me and used me to in turn change Ireland and that would not be possible with out your prayer and support.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Video update for Calvary Waterford!!!

Please feel free to spread this around and show How God is working over here!
its amazing to be a part of I hope you enjoy! Please keep praying for us and supporting us love you all!

Friday, May 6, 2011

If you wold like to Donate to my work in Ireland just click the button Thank you so very much.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

ITS Done

Its been a bit over a month since my last update so sorry for that but I have literally been allover the world. I got the chance to go back to the states for 2 weeks for my best friends wedding. I was luckily able to work a bit while there and pay for my travel expenses. It was a huge blessing to be able to spend time with friends and family before heading back to Ireland.
The month before I left was full of excitement and anticipation for how the church was coming along, and I am so happy to say that it is mostly finally finished. The building that seemed impossible to some God finished in less than a month and a half. We ended up doing around 30,000 dollars worth of work on a 2000-dollar budget, if that is not a miracle I am not sure what is. I will include some pictures of the finished product. I wanted to thank all of you who have supported me financially and spiritually.  All of this would not have been possible with out your dedicated help and prayer and I thank you for that.

Now that the building is finished we are praying for direction for us as a church body and how we will continue to reach out to the city of Waterford. The Church is growing in so many ways since we finished the new building and we want to grow healthily. So we ask for you continued support in every way so we can be a light to Waterford in a wise fashion. We want God to move continually here and we never want to get in the way of his work. The actual physical growth of the church has been amazing to see and we continually have new people stopping in and starting to call Calvary Waterford there home.
Wednesday nights I am starting a worship and praise jam night where anybody who wants to learn how to play worship songs or just wants to worship can come and enjoy. I am hoping this brings the church closer to God in worship and will also bring out the God given musical gifts that many of us have. I really want to have a Worship team to serve with me and not just have it be me and my guitar up there.

A Few things that you could pray over me for would be that I would not be lonely when my roommate Max leaves to move back to California. He has been such a blessing to me over here and I don’t like living by myself. Also Finances are continually a bit scary because I am not always sure where rent is going to come from next month. I also need wisdom because as many of you know I was supposed to be back in July but now it is looking like I will be here for another 6 months or until September. This is because I do not want to leave the Church with out a worship leader, so I will probably be here  until my replacement comes in September.
Once again thank you so much for all your prayer and support it means so much to me. I love you all and Hope that God is blessing you and that you are in turn running after him with all your hearts!
God bless


If you would like to give to Sebastian and his work in Ireland please copy and past this link into your browser and follow the instructions.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Short update

Hi ya all! hope you all are well and that you are letting God bless you!
Just wanted to give a quick update on whats going on over here so here goes.
First off God is continually blowing my mind. Every time I look back 3 weeks and see where we are now I am amazed. Less than a month ago we only had a shell of a building and now nearly all the electrical, plumbing, and dry wall is finished. God keeps working in it all. The day before we started the drywall I got a call from a guy that just wanted to work because he did not have a job. It just so happened that he was a dry wall hanger who did not Know Jesus.  Also the plasterer that ended up volunteering his service just so happens to be one of the best in Ireland. With out a doubt he is an artist and it is a pleasure to watch him work.
Life over here is joyful but tough we have been working from 730am to about 630pm all this week and are all a bit tired, so Prayer for energy and patience with each other would be amazing. We are also in need of a carpet layer so keep that in prayer as well.
Max and I have also had the chance to share the Gospel with many people during this whole ordeal and we are hoping that God will continue to work in their hearts. Ireland is in huge need of a God that Relates to people; in other words they are in need of Jesus not a priest. The people of Ireland are ready for Jesus and God is raising up many Irish believers here to spread his love. Pray that our new church building will be able to enable them to be able to better spread the message of the Cross.
I love you all so much I thank you for all your prayer and support.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Nearly a month!

Next week it will have been a month that I have lived in Waterford Ireland. It seems like I have been here so much longer! When I disembarked I hit the ground running.  I attended bible study that night (nearly fell out of my chair!) but succeeded in staying upright for the most part. By Monday I had found an apartment and by the end of the following week I was “feeding myself” by playing music on the street. 
Originally, my purpose was to come to Ireland to lead worship but God had other plans. The Calvary Chapel Waterford has been looking to meet in a new building for some time now and when I got here I joined the search to find a building that would suit a growing church. Every building we passed became a new possibility a new conversation. We looked at many different buildings but they all seemed to be in the wrong part of town or much too expensive.  However, there was one that kept coming back to mind. It was the perfect location and size.  The problem was that it was just a shell--no interior walls, only concrete walls and pillars. While at that location I had a picture put into my mind of people worshiping in that building. So a dream and idea began to form.  Just for the fun of it Pastor Clay and I drew up plans for how we envisioned finishing this impossible building. The more and more we fantasized about this building the more we could not get it out of our heads so we began to draft up a proposal--a proposal for a building that was way over our budget and not even usable in its current condition. Naturally we set up a meeting with the owner to offer him thousands less a year, and ask him if he would let an American builder and Pastor finish it themselves. The morning of our meeting we were praying-- asking God to give us favor knowing that if we got this building it would be a complete miracle. During the meeting the Landlord agreed to let us finish it and added that he would pay for the supplies to do it.  We were floored but then the deposit of 5000 euros was discussed and our once hopeful dream was crushed. We told him that we had nowhere near that amount.  He paused for a second, looked at us and said in a thick Irish accent,
 “Oh it’s alright I just need your word, you don’t need a deposit I guess.”
At that moment we all felt like bursting out and running around saying, “Thank you!!” but we did our best to appear mature and responsible, held our composure and thanked him profusely in a very business like manner, all the while praising God in our minds.
            Ever since that day every door has been opened to us. People we have never met have been giving us thousands of dollars in supplies and tools to do the work. Whatever we have asked for, God has provided. We asked for scaffolding, and not an hour later we had a company that would supply it all for free. We started with one drill and the next day had about 70 different tools. God has been so faithful with everything here it is impossible to say how amazed I am at how God has moved every day.
            This city needs God so much it pains my heart. I see people stumbling around drunk at 12 noon and I pass a Bookie or pub on literally every street. The city is also plagued by serious drug abuse and severe depression. It’s not uncommon to hear the helicopter that searches the river for people jumping off the bridges into the freezing water. Sitting in the People’s Park one day I was overcome by the heaviness of this place. Even through its beauty you can feel the sadness. Even with children playing in the park you can still feel an oppression that is like a dark heavy blanket.
            In this city with a population of 50,000 there are probably only 2,000 that would say they are Christian.  Most are nominal Catholics.  The Catholic priests here do not teach the Bible. One of the girls attending Calvary church grew up in the Catholic Church and she did not understand salvation until she was an adult and became a Christian. Even the idea of a Christian worship service confuses people here.  During the signing of the lease for the building we were asked if we charged people at the door to come in.
It is quite a contrast to be in a culture of people who don’t know God, surrounded by monuments to Him! Waterford is so ready for harvest and I believe that God is going to continue to move in a huge way as we teach His word and lead his people in true worship.           
            God has blessed me so much being able to serve and be a part of what He is doing here. I want to thank all of you who so graciously gave to help me get to Ireland.  I hope this gives you a good idea what you are supporting---how God has MULTIPLIED your gifts and how much we need your continued support. Thank you, I love you all so much and hope that you are all well.

 Day trip out to Hook head lucky enough to have a good Irish friend drive us around Sunday afternoon
around 70 mile an hour winds and blowing rain 

on the left is the Children minstry room and the right is the office and Kitchen

If you would still like to support it is easy just go to my website Sebastian Roland Photo and click on the donate button. Or send support to
1755 Darling Ave Frazier Park CA 93225
Or click the Donate link on here to use Paypal directly
Things you can pray for:

That the building continues to go well, we started this week.

That we would not run into any “red tape”

That we would have enough to be able to finish everything

Protection on all who are working.

That people would continue to come and be healed

That we would not burn out but be able to keep giving of ourselves

That my worship would continue to grow, and I would be better able to lead.

Patience to be able to work with a very “closed” people

That we would just be able to spread God’s word.