God is moving in Ireland, he is planning on taking back this country for him self. He desires that all come to know him. For far to long this country has been under the bondage of religion and through God we are breaking those chains. The people are ready to hear his word and to know the truth about the gospel. It is a beautiful thing to be a part of and every day we see how God is continually moving among us and changing us.
Every week we see new people coming and joining the church last week we had a spur of the moment baptism and we all went out to Tramore the “beach city” and baptized in the freezing ocean. The whole church came out and joined us on the beach in the cold and rain it was a beautiful sight to see.
A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to go and spend the whole week down near cork helping to build another church. I was so blessed also to see how God is working all over Ireland and readying his servants for what we would hope would be revival. Even though I was working it felt like a vacation because I was so blessed by the people of that church. It’s a beautiful thing to see a new church building come together and believers serving in unity.
About a month ago I was walking though the city center back to my house and had the opportunity to talk to two brothers Anthony (aka three dog) and James. Sitting in a corner of an abandoned shop front drinking themselves literally to death. I found out later that James has cirrhosis of the liver and only has about a month to live. I had the chance to talk to them about Jesus and explain His gift to us; I left feeling a burden for them on my heart and have been praying for them since. A few weeks later I was passing by Anthony as he was drinking in the park and after a long talk he began to explain his need for forgiveness and asked me to pray for him. Tears streaming down his face he asked God to forgive him his sin, this is amazing for a ex con/ Heroin addict/ alcoholic, however he is still caught up in his sin and needs so much prayer so please pray for his continued salvation. Also pray for his brother who just last night collapsed and was sent to the hospital. Please pray for all the addicts and alcoholics who drink around the corner from the church in a place called “Ballybricken”. Its amazing to see how God placed our church so that literally we have alcoholics and drug dealers drinking and dealing across the street. Pray for the huge problem of addiction in this city including gambling, drinking, and drugs.
The city I am working in Waterford needs Gods love so much, even non-believers that I have talked to say it needs to be “washed clean.” There is a noticeable heaviness over this city and it is we believe a strong hold in Ireland for Satan. A few churches around the city have started to get together and pray for outreach that we will be doing in the coming months, and it is beautiful to see the unity that God is creating among us. The heart of Waterford believers is to see this city washed in the blood of Jesus. There are around 800 believers in this city of 50,000 a very small light in a dark dark city. We however see God continually making that light grow and we believe that he wants to save more every day. So we as a church and as a city we are praying for lasting revival here in Waterford.
In the coming months we will be very busy with out reach to the city and we have two teams coming from the states. We are very excited to see what God is going to do this summer, so please pray that outreach will be successful and that Satan would be helpless in this city.
Since Cj Kelly the worship leader coming to replace me is not going to be here until September I need to stay a few months longer. The only problem is that I am running very low on money and need more support. So if you feel that the Lord wants you to give to help me continue work over here that would be such a blessing.
fellowship in the park! GCF good clean fun
Thank you all for your support in the past I am so happy that God has used you in such a beautiful way. I can say 100% that God has changed me and used me to in turn change Ireland and that would not be possible with out your prayer and support.
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