Hello again!
As I sit here trying to think of a good way to start this particular update, several things come to mind..as there has been several things happening within these past two months…

As far as Portico goes, Sebastian, with the help of a couple friends, did an amazing transformation to the back. With a ton more space, more shelves, higher ceiling, new lights, etc. God also has provided for us to get an amazing new Espresso machine, which works a hundred times better than the first one we had. All of the baristas are pretty stoked on it. Of course, the shop is still doing its job of bringing people to drink our coffee, relationships are still being built, and God is being glorified through it all.

Late last month our good friends Nathaniel and Abby Bedson moved over here along with their ten month old daughter Penny. Nate has come to work along side Jon, who is in charge of the Calvary School of Ministry. His main focus and work here is with just that - the school. Learning everything he can from Jon, co-teaching mens discipleship, working with the students, tending to their needs, etc. Abby is a fantastic photographer and will be helping out with the school graphic designs for the site, as well as being busy as a mom could be with a ten month old! We are so very stoked that they are here, and that they found a great house just minutes away from us!
The Calvary School of Ministry fall semester starts in a few short weeks, it will be the biggest group yet! Be praying for the students, staff and teachers, that the Lord will speak amazing things…
On another exciting note, one of our students from last years fall semester, Naomi, felt the call to come back to do a five month internship here. She arrived just about a week ago, and we are happy to have her back to serve alongside us! It’s a real cool thing to see familiar faces from past semesters show up here again, ready do work where the Lord did so much in their lives the year before.
We are now on our third car - we were spending too much on petrol in our Subaru, so we decided to sell it and get one with better gas mileage. The Lord blessed us with a Toyota, Rav 4 diesel. Diesel is fifteen cents cheaper a liter than regular unleaded here, so it pays to drive a diesel. Its a great car with lots of space for people and lots and lots of tools ;).
Last week we were blessed to have friends come out to visit. Can’t really explain the joy that they brought us, we are so blessed. It was like a breath of fresh air having the good friends that we used to spend nearly every day with before moving here come and encourage us. Having people in your life that will encourage you, and love on you no matter what, is imperative.
There has been a lot of exciting stuff happening over the past few months and because good things have been happening that also means that Satan is trying to stop it. For us every day has been a bit of a battle. When Satan is constantly trying to destroy what you are doing it gets a bit exhausting. Please pray for us that we would have a respite from this type of attack and that we would be quicker to see it for what it is in the future. This has been felt widely across the church so please pray for us as a whole.
We have more bills coming up than we do cash coming in. We know God has provided again and again, so we have no reason to fear or worry. Yet, it still sneaks in when big bills come up and we have just enough to get us by today. You can bet our trust gets tested immensely during times like these! Extra bills in the next 2 months includes…
Visas to be able to stay in the country - €600
Car Insurance - $600
Car Registration/tax-€700
Health Insurance- $900
Total of about $3000.
Please Pray that God would provide abundantly over the next 2 months.
All and all, God is still being glorified here every day and His message is being preached and peoples lives are being changed. We don't pretend to have everything together, in fact, we are figuring out more and more that the only way we can do anything, is by His leading and by His power. We are so thankful for all your prayers and support, I can’t believe that it has already been a year in Ireland. God has done so much good here in a year and it’s great to have been a part of it. We look forward to this next year and pray that He would build our trust in Him more and more. Thanks so much for reading.
The Müllers in Ireland
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